Adulting: One Year of Success

If you’ve been on Facebook lately, you may have been inundated with posts of people graduating from college {or about to graduate for those of you who graduate next weekend}. I have a lot of friends who are a year or so younger than me, so that’s pretty much all that my newsfeed consists of these days. As I was browsing the photos last night, it all of a sudden hit me – I’ve been out of school for a whole year. Whoa. Can it really have been a year already?

I remember the days leading up to my graduation. While I was excited to be done with college, I was also pretty much terrified. I mean, think about it. All I’ve ever know is school. Years are measured by semesters and how long until this break or that break. All of that was about to go away and I had to be an actual adult. Needless to say, I had a few minor panic attacks over it in the last couple weeks leading up to my graduation.

Looking back on it now, I’m not sure what I was so scared of. I mean, change is scary in general, but here I am a year later, livin’ it up in adult world, and I’m no worse for wear. In fact, I’d say I’m better for it. Before I graduated, I guess I was thinking there’d be this grand moment when I truly felt like an adult; a moment where I’d feel different or something. I assumed that moment would be when I crossed the stage at graduation. And yet when I finally did, I didn’t feel any different. So then I thought, Ok, I’ll feel more like an adult when I start my job. But still I didn’t.

The thing is, “becoming an adult” is a subtle transition. There’s no grand moment with fireworks to signal your adulthood. You just kind of take it one day at a time, and before you know it, a year has gone by and you’re doing your adult thing. At least, that’s how it’s been for me. I’m not saying it hasn’t been a whirlwind of a year. I mean, I got married for goodness’ sake….and moved into a new house…and started a new job… There have been a lot of big transitions for me this past year, but I’ve always had my friends and family by my side. Not having to do it alone makes it a lot easier.

Even with the ups and downs that come with all this change, I’d say this year – my first “official” year of adulthood – has been pretty dang good! I have to admit, I still don’t totally feel like a “real” adult. But then again, what is a real adult? When you’re a kid, adults seem like these much older, much all-knowing figures who can do just about anything. But then when you become an adult yourself, you realize there are so many things that adults still don’t know. Everyone is going through stuff and trying to figure life out. It’s an interesting revelation, and one that can totally change your perception of “real” adults.

So for any of you graduates out there looking for some AHA! moment signaling your adulthood, don’t. It probably won’t come. Just live life one day at a time. Enjoy it, learn from it, be better because of it. And always keep your friends and family close. Before you know it, you’ll be looking back on a whole year of adulthood, and, with any luck, you’ll feel successful.

P.S. Of course I had to include a picture of me and hubs at our graduation, if anything just to break up the monotony of all this text!


Wine Walk: Check!

So this post is a week late, but hey, good things come to those who wait {hey, that rhymed!}. If you’ve been following my blog at all, you may have seen my post a couple weeks ago about my Summer Bucket List. Well, last Thursday I checked the first thing off my list, and it was one of the things I was most looking forward to! I don’t know if any of you have ever been on  a wine walk, but I sure hadn’t. They always looked so fun and I thought it’d be a great way to get some girl time and kick off the summer!

Unfortunately, even though it was the first day of May {which in my mind = summer}, it was COLD! Not like Oh, it’s a little chilly out today but a full on Do I need to put on a heavier coat? kind of cold. Inclement weather aside, my friend Amy and I were determined to have a good time. The wine walk we went to was at the Shops at One Nineteen, for those of you familiar with the Johnson County {KS} area. There were four restaurants that were participating, but we only made it to three. I don’t know how you’re supposed to get to all of them in such a short amount of time! I mean, each place gives you three wines plus food, and you don’t exactly want to throw back all your wine…that would kind of defeat the purpose.

Nonetheless, we still had fun at the three restaurants we did make it to. It was so fun to just chat over wine and appetizers…I really needed some girl time! Below are some pictures of the night. {As always, please excuse the cellphone-quality photos…the last ones are especially bad because the restaurant was so dark.}


Vino numero uno from Sullivan’s Steakhouse. It was one of my faves! In fact, it was so good that I forgot to take pics of the other two wines from this restaurant…oops!


Some sort of appetizer from Sullivan’s. Not sure what it even was, but it was SO good.


Three Spanish wines from La Bodega. The rose and the verdejo {the white} were my favorites! No food here…sad day.


Restaurant number three – Drunken Fish. The wine on the right was a plum wine…very different and unexpected, but I loved it! The riesling was good as well


We decided to order some real food at Drunken Fish {as opposed to the free appetizers}. These dumplings were probably some of the best I’ve had!


We also decided to be brave and try sake! Luckily they had flavored ones to make it go down a little better. I got pineapple.

